Patentuotas dizainas leidžia „Spomb“ turiniui akimirksniu atsidaryti susidūrus su vandens paviršiumi
Pakrovę ir uždarę neprarasite masalo užmetimo metu
Aerodinaminis dizainas leidžia tiksliai skrieti net ir pučiant stipriam vėjui
Greitai ir lengvai parsitraukia, nes atidarytas „Spomb“ be vargo slysta vandens paviršiumi be jokio pasipriešinimo
Dizainas yra labai universalus, nes jį galima naudoti su įvairiais masalais, įskaitant granules, boilius, kanapes, jauko rutulius, kukurūzus, lervas, mėsą, duoną ir t.t
Puikiai tinka labai greitai pajaukinti didelius kiekius
Galimos juodos ir baltos spalvos
Patented design allows content of Spomb to be released instantly upon impact with the water’s surface
Eliminates ‘spod spill’ – once loaded and shut you will lose no bait on the cast
Aerodynamic design allows for accurate baiting at range even in strong winds
Fast and easy retrieve with the opened Spomb gliding effortlessly across the top of the water with little to no resistance
The design is very versatile as it can be used with all manner of different baits including pellets, boilies, hemp, groundbait balls, corn, dog biscuits, maggots, meat, bread and particles
Perfect for baiting with large quantities very quickly
Designed for use with purpose-made spod/Spomb rods
Available in both Black and White